Personality Data Project

Personality Data

The world's most accurate personality data for everyone to read and understand

Latest Research

Personality data published or updated recently by our researchers
mbti compatibility matrix
16 Type model partner compatibility Compatibility matrix plot

This chart shows an estimate of the compatibility between Myers Briggs® types. For example same-type relationships generally are a strong match.

Personality traits (dimensions) of Type Ones Personality dimensions of Type 1

This chart shows how Type Ones score on 14 key personality traits. For example we see that Type Ones score high on Perfectionism and low on Spontaneity.

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Enneagram Type 2 Sexual Orientation Sexual orientation responses of Enneagram Type 2s

This chart shows the sexual preferences of people with Enneagram type 2 personality, compared with global averages. For example heterosexuals are more likely to be Type 2 than bisexuals are.


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Open Source Project

Accurate data for everyone

All content on this site ( is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. Please read the full licence, but the principle is you may share and adapt our content provided you attribute as the original source with a link to our website. Provided you credit us you may use our content for commercial or non-commercial works.

If you would like to contribute to our open source project we'll be very pleased to hear from you. We welcome help analyzing data from psychologists, data scientists, and general academic researchers. If you have a survey you would like us to publish on our site we may be able to do that. If you would like to use any of our data for your research or journalism we welcome that too. Feel free to email us.

In the interests of furthering international research into personality models, we make our data and research available for everyone, but we do need to be credited as the source.

Personality Interests

Research into popular personality instruments

The world of personality tests is vast and varied, so we prefer to focus on a few established models of personality centered around Jungian theory.

Our researchers collect and analyze the world's personality data. We consider the most established personality test models such as the Big Five (NEO P-IR), Enneagram, Jungian (16-types), and DISC, but we specifically focus on the Enneagram test and 16-type personality test. The most popular version of the 16-type model is the MBTI®.

Our psychologists expand the work of others and we develop our own personality models, such as the extended subtype model.

We publish surveys and collect respondent data from around the world. We then use statistical tools such as factor analysis, multiple regression, and item response theory (IRT) to report our findings. To learn more about how we do this have a look at our science page.

The 16 Personality Types

Research data on the 16-types personality model

Click any box below to learn more about the 16 types of personality, popularised by the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®). You can take our 16 types test now to discover your personality type.

face reading open book

The 16 type model uses four letters to describe 16 types of personality. An underlying principle of this model is three dichotomies of extraversion vs. introversion, sensing vs. intuition, and thinking vs. feeling described by Carl Jung in 1921. This was later developed by developed by Isabel Briggs Myers to include a fourth dichotomy of judging vs. perceiving.

Enneagram Types

Explore our research into the nine Enneagram type ('Enneatypes') by clicking any box below. We collect and report global personality data on the nine Enneagram types. You can take our free Enneagram test now to discover your Enneagram type.

face reading open book

The Enneagram is a model of personality represented visually by nine types around a circle. The geometry of the circle expresses how each type is related to another. Every person is one of the nine types, but it is possible to have traits of other types.

quotation marks We want to contribute to the world's collective knowledge of personality type theory, and sharing access to our data is a great way to help.
Jonathan Wang, Lead Researcher at

Everyone can use our research data

Research is about sharing and collaborating

Whether you're working on a blog, academic project, or open source project, feel free to use our data provided you credit us (for example Data from licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0). If you would like to contribute to our open source project we'll be most grateful. Contributing can be as simple as letting us know about typos or adding references.

People who have referenced our work include:

  • Researchers
  • Colleges, schools, and universities
  • Public agencies
  • Journalists
  • Individuals for personal development