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16 Types

ENFP Overview

Key principles of the ENFP personality type with global survey data

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ENFPs are warm and passionate, readily helping other people express and explore their own creativity. They are people focused, and they tend to enjoy the enthusiasm of content creation, generating new ideas and engaging in activities with others. ENFPs are typically expressive in quick-witted in their communication, readily employing their humor to great effect. With their original imagination, ENFPs will likely have a strong creativity focus and artistic core. Art's ability to express and create is appealing to the ENFP, who likely imagine with it in one form or another.

ENFP Principles

What are the core principles behind the ENFP personality type?

People within the ENFP personality type are often enthusiastic, charming, charismatic, and visionary. These people tend to have excellent communication skills, high empathy, and a genuine interest in others. The ENFP personality type describes dreamers who can imagine anything except living in a routine and rigid structure. Craving freedom and variety, this personality type yearns to explore their world creatively.

Although quickly excited by new ideas and potential, ENFPs may struggle with finishing what they start. Other common challenges include oversensitivity, overanalyzing, and disorganization.

In general, all ENFPs display these traits:

  • They are typically excellent communicators, storytellers, or negotiators.
  • They attract others with their zest and enthusiasm towards their work.
  • They prefer to engage with others.
  • They have big dreams for the future.

Crystallization of the Abstract

ENFP personality types prefer to avoid the details and instead focus on the high-level overview. They can make sense of ambiguity, create a vision for what could come to be, and share that vision with others. Their gift is to see the potential in people and projects. The challenge with this gift is the disinclination to concentrate on the details required to fulfill and execute that vision. ENFPs prefer to work with the abstract, mold it so that others can take hold, and then let others execute the more repetitive or detailed tasks.

face reading open book

ENFPs can envision a future with every potential. They also prefer to speculate rather than act.

Team Player

ENFPs are people-focused in several ways. As a Feeler, ENFPs are more attuned to feelings and emotions than facts and figures because of how they will impact others. The focus on others' feelings brings high levels of empathy, and this personality type can make genuine connections within a team because of their true interest in those around them. As a leader, their vision and the ability to recruit others for the mission are powerful.

Are you usually the loudest cheerleader for others? You may be an ENFP.


Those under the ENFP umbrella are often enthusiastic, and that energy is infectious to those around them. As an Extravert, they recharge from spending time with others, and they give this energy back to those around them by supporting the dreams of others, dreaming with them, and imagining a new future.

blue star

Extraverts recharge by spending time in the company of other people.


As a Perceiver, the constraints of a schedule or routine can feel overbearing to the ENFP. They prefer to be present with those around them, and being required to stick to a routine can interrupt that feeling of presence. It's a desire for flexibility and spontaneity that often gets them into trouble in the forms of unfinished projects, disorganization, or distraction. Still, these risks are worth it to the ENFP.

light bulb tip icon

The paradoxical nature of the ENFP type is to often lack the skills to bring their larger-than-life dreams to fruition.

Data: ENFP World Heatmap

What is the global distribution of the ENFP personality type?

Which countries have the highest percentage of ENFPs? Is this type more common in certain countries? Use our research data to find out.

Figure 1: Percent of population with ENFP type

world heatmap

What this chart shows

This heatmap shows the percent of each country's population who are ENFP. This helps us to easily identify global distribution of this personality type. For example we see Portugal has an above-average proportion of ENFPs and New Zealand has a below-average proportion of ENFPs.

  • 1. Countries with less than 0.001% share of global population have not been included due to sample size.
  • 2. n=27985
  • 3. Population: all
  • 4. Live dataset last updated:

Figure 2: Regions with highest and lowest percent of ENFP types

Top ten countries with highest and lowest percent of respondents with ENFP personality type

regions with highest percent

What this chart shows

This chart shows the top ten countries with the highest proportion of people with ENFP personality type and ten countries with the lowest proportion of people with ENFP personality type.

  • 1. Countries with less than 0.001% share of global population have not been included due to sample size.
  • 2. n=27985
  • 3. Population: all
  • 4. Live dataset last updated:

ENFP: The Four Letters Explained

What does ENFP stand for?

The four letters of the ENFP personality stand for: (E)xtraverted, i(N)tuitive, (F)eeling, and (P)erceiving. Let's consider each of these four traits.



(I)ntroverted vs (E)xtraverted

An extravert is a social, assertive, and energetic individual, who is comfortable interacting with the external world. They prefer exploring the wider environment than their own internal thought processes, and find alone time to be demotivating.

  • Prefer spending time with people
  • Full of energy and enthusiasm
  • Large social networks
  • Prefer talking to writing
  • Enjoys meeting new people

Introverts and extraverts can be separated based on how they regain energy. Introverts prefer minimally stimulating environments, and they need time alone to recharge. Extraverts refuel by being with others.



I(N)tuitive vs (S)ensing

Intuitive types focus on impressions or underlying patterns of information they see. They prefer learning by thinking it through rather than by hands-on experience.

  • Remember the sense of events
  • Read between the lines and looks for meaning.
  • Like to see the big picture
  • Daydream about possibilities
  • Make decisions based on hunches

Intuitive types take a high-level view and may experience dissatisfaction when attention to detail is required. People with an Intuition preference doubt and test everything. They value innovation and imagination, and present information through figures of speech.



(T)hinking vs (F)eeling

Feeling types follow their emotions, feelings, and personal moral principles when making key decisions. Congruence with personal principles is essential to them. When solving problems or making choices, emotional intelligence is preferred over cold rationality.

  • Expresses empathy
  • Follows their heart
  • Truly believes in their principles
  • Shows emotional intelligence
  • Is guided by emotion

Feeling types are deeply empathetic, readily sympathizing with those around them. As a result, they are recognized for their interpersonal warmth and genuine concern for others.



(J)udging vs (P)erceiving

Perceiving types are cognitively flexible and open to new possibilities. They prefer variety and unpredictability to routine, welcoming change and rejecting rigidity whenever possible.

  • Open to new possibilities
  • Acts spontaneously
  • Adapts to new information
  • Seeks new experiences
  • Lives in the moment

Perceiving types are comfortable making decisions spontaneously, or even postponing decisions until more information is available. They focus predominantly on the present moment, preferring tasks which are open-ended and flexible, rather than those with deadlines or timetables.

Data: What percentage of people are ENFP?

Which MBTI® type is the rarest and which is the most common?

Figure 3: Global distribution of ENFP types

How does the percent of ENFP type people compare with other types?

ENFP how-rare

What this chart shows

This chart highlights the percentage of the population who are ENFP. We see that INTJ is the rarest and ESTJ is the most common. ENFP is one of the more common types at 7.6% of the population.

  • 1. n=29746
  • 2. Population: Global
  • 3. Live dataset last updated:

Data: ENFP Age Statistics

Are ENFPs more or less likely to be in a particular age group?

Figure 4: percentage of ENFP types by age

How does the proportion of ENFP types vary by age?

ENFP by age

What this chart shows

This chart shows what percent of each age group are ENFP.

  • 1. n=40574
  • 2. Population: Global
  • 3. Live dataset last updated:

Data: ENFP Genders

Survey data on ENFP types by genders

ENFPs are mostly female (59.8%) with 39.8% male and 0.3% other.

Figure 5: Type ENFP by gender


What this chart shows

The split between genders across the ENFP population is 59.8% female, 39.8% male, 0.3% other. Compared to the average population, ENFPs have a slightly higher proportion of females.

  • 1. n=27985
  • 2. Population: global
  • 3. Dataset last updated:
  • 4. Data is derived from users' self-report responses to the question "What is your gender?"


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Ellie Simmonds, MSc

University of Bath, Psychology

Ellie Simmonds, MSc in Psychology from University of Bath. Ellie is an associate lecturer on psychometric assessments and has extensive knowledge of the 16-type model.