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Enneagram Type 7 - 'The Enthusiast'

A summary of what it means to be an Enneagram Type 7 illustration of the enthusiast type seven

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Everyone has the basic drive to pursue pleasure and avoid pain. This is amplified in an Enneagram Type 7. The Enthusiasts of the Enneagram are go-getters who live for thrilling and unique experiences. They believe in making the best of every situation and ca be counted on to bring an element of fun to each of their endeavours.

Key Personality Traits of an Enneagram Type 7

What are the core traits of a Type 7?

From studying the Enneagram Type 7, we have found common key personality traits that this type hold:

  • Type Sevens are quick-witted conversationalists
  • Type Sevens have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances
  • Type Sevens rapidly generate plans, ideas, and solutions
  • Type Sevens always have a “Plan B”
  • Type Sevens have difficulty sitting with sadness, fear, or anger
  • Type Sevens turn their hand to anything, dabbling in numerous pursuits.

Data: How Rare is Type 7?

What percentage of people are Enneagram Type 7?

Figure 1: Global distribution of each Enneagram type.

how rare type seven

What this chart shows

This chart shows the percentage of the population who are each Enneagram type. We see that Type 4s are the most common and Type 6s are the most rare. Type 7s are the third most common at 14.0% of the population.

  • 1. n=11,271
  • 2. Population: Global
  • 3. Live dataset last updated:

Data: Which Country has the Highest Proportion of Type 7?

Survey data on global population frequency of Enneagram Type 7

Figure 2: Regions with highest percent of Type 7s

which country has the highest percent

What this chart shows

This chart shows countries with the five highest and five lowest percent of respondents with Enneagram Type 7 personality type. This helps identify which regions have an above or below average proportion of Type Sevens. We see that of those reporting their country as 'Ireland' there is an above average proportion of Type 7s, and of those reporting their country as 'Egypt' there a below-average proportion of Type 7s.

  • 1. n=11,271
  • 2. Population: Global
  • 3. Dataset last updated:
  • 4. Data is derived from users' self-report responses to the question "What is your country of nationality?".
  • 5. Countries with insufficient sample sizes have been excluded from this study.

What it Means to be an Enneagram Type 7

An outline of what it means to be a Type 7 - The Enthusiast

An Enneagram Type 7 often has many talents, not the least of which is reframing any problem or challenge in a more positive light. They are quick to leave mistakes and disappointments in the past, always thinking ahead to whatever may come next with elaborate plans and backup plans. Enthusiasts maintain a wide circle of acquaintances that they can call upon when they feel like throwing a party or embarking on adventure. They never miss a good party and they’re often the last to leave.

Enthusiasts enjoy frequent changes in scenery, new challenges, and fresh ideas. Many are world travellers and epicures. The indecisiveness of Type Sevens is due to the fact that they like to keep their options open. Restrictions make them depressed and nervous – feelings to avoid at all costs. Especially in their younger years, Type Sevens can be quite vehement about avoiding commitments and routines, but this tends to change as they get older.

Crave experience or fear commitment?

Especially in their younger years, Type Sevens can be quite vehement about avoiding commitments and routines, but this tends to change as they get older.

A core fear of being trapped or stuck in painful situations, drives the restless pleasure-seeking of Type Sevens. There is a fragility to their exuberance with sometimes comes across as forced. People close to Type Sevens may feel that they have to walk on eggshells, but when Type Sevens do crash into a bad mood, it's never long before they pick themselves up again.

Dimensions of Type 7 - The Enthusiast

The main dimension of Enneagram Type 7

When we perform factor analysis on the core behaviors of each Enneagram type, we find that Type Seven exhibit positive correlations with one core trait (or 'Dimension') as we shall call them. Dimensions are specific behavioral indicators that underpin a person's enneatype. Think of them as building blocks of a person's personality.

Consider the one Dimension which came out as having strong correlation with Type Seven personality type, and it helps to understand what underpins a Type Seven's behavior.

spontaneity icon


An Enneagram Type 7 tends to have high levels of spontaneity. They enjoy their freedom and the ability to act on their immediate emotions brings them joy as well as sense of individual ownership. They can come across as impulsive for those less comfortable with spontaneous behavior.

self-efficacy icon

Self-Efficacy (Reversed)

An Enneagram Type Seven shows lower levels of Self-Efficacy. Type Sevens see themselves as free spirits who drift with the currents, welcoming whatever fate has in store for them without protest or resistance.

competitive icon

Competitiveness (Reversed)

An Enneagram Type Seven is less competitive than other Enneatypes. Fierce competition and hostility are antithetical to a Type Seven’s laidback and care-free mentality, making them seem particularly easy-going and non-threatening.

perfectionism icon

Perfectionistic (Reversed)

An Enneagram Type Seven is less likely to be perfectionistic. They tend to focus more on the big picture than the minutia, rarely letting small details or trivialities interrupt the positive flow of their lives.

volatile icon

Volatile (Reversed)

An Enneagram Type Seven is less volatile than other Enneatypes. They readily accept change and deal with problems head-on when they arise, making them particularly level headed and positive in their outlook.

need-for-achievement icon

Need for Achievement (Reversed)

An Enneagram Type Seven shows less need for achievement than other Enneatypes. They tend to view workaholism with distain, seeing excessive effort as both unnecessary and harmful to achieving a balanced life.

Data: Enneagram Type 7 Dimensions Profile

The four main dimensions of Type 7

We studied the core personality traits (dimensions) of Enneagram Type Sevens. The radar chart below shows the dimensions profile of a statistically average Type Seven.

Figure 3: Radar chart of core personality traits (dimensions) of typical Type Sevens


What this chart shows

This chart shows how Type 7s score on 14 key personality traits. The scores on each scale are derived from our internal research and present a helpful shorthand to describe the Enneagram Type 7 personality profile. For example we see that Type 7s score high on Spontaneity and low on Need for achievement.

  • 1. n=11,271
  • 2. Population: Global
  • 3. Live dataset last updated:

Type 7: Heart Type, Head Type, or Body Type?

Which center of intelligence is an Enneagram Type 7?
  • head type icon Head type

Type Sevens live in their very active minds. They spend a lot of time dreaming and planning for a bright future in which they are confident that they can always make things better. They think and speak quickly, and often have a witty sense of humor.


head type enneagram


Type Seven are head types. They trust their intellect rather than their instincts or emotions.

Data: Type 7 Genders

Survey data on Enneagram Type 7 by genders

Type 7s are mostly female (54.7%) with 43.8% female and 1.4% non-binary.

Figure 4: Type 7s by gender


What this chart shows

The split between genders across the Type 7 population was 54.7% female, 43.8% male, 1.4% non-binary.

  • 1. n=1,581
  • 2. Population: Global Type Sevens
  • 3. Dataset last updated:
  • 4. Data is derived from users' self-report responses to the question "What is your gender?"

Data: Proportion of Enneagram Type 7 in each Religion

Percent of people who are Type 7 by major religion

Are Type 7s more inclined towards certain religions? From our research we see that Christians are more likely to be Type 7 than Sikhs are.

Figure 5: Percent of Type Sevens in each major religion


What this chart shows

This chart shows what percentage of eight religions are Type 7, and the global average percent of people who are Type 7. This helps identify whether a particular religion has an above-average or below-average proportion of Type 7s.

  • 1. n=11,271
  • 2. Population: Global
  • 3. Dataset last updated:
  • 4. Religions without a sufficient sample size were not included.
  • 5. Data is derived from users' self-report responses to the question "Which religion do you most identify with?"

Type 7 Strengths and Weaknesses

What are the positive and negative attributes of an Enneagram Type 7?
strengths and weaknesses illustration
Each Enneagram type has its unique strengths and weaknesses. Personality traits that stand out and others that can be unhelpful. Here we will answer the question of 'what are the main strengths and weaknesses of being a Type 7 Enneagram?'
Info Table
Strengths Weaknesses
Outgoing and entertaining – life of the party Difficulty making and keeping promises
Good at reframing problems to improve outcomes Difficulty choosing and focusing on one course of action
Confident, readily develop new skills Forgetfulness regarding past mistakes and negative experiences
Creative intelligence Tendency to abandon difficult situations
star note

Note: When faced with a difficult problem, a Type Seven will rapidly generate a list of potential solutions. Often at least one of these solutions will be brilliant, but just as often the Type Seven will give up and move on, sometimes without haven taken the time to fully understand the root cause of the problem.

Enneagram Type 7 Fears and Desires

A list of the core fears and desires of Type 7s

Each Enneagram type has fears and desires; things to avoid and things to seek out.


Things Enneagram Type 7 should avoid

Core fear: The core fear of Type Seven is being stuck with feelings of sadness or pain that they are unable to resolve.

  • Boredom
  • Declining health
  • Deprivation


Things Enneagram Type 7 should seek

Core Desire: The core desire of Type Seven is to maintain a state of joy and fascination, moving freely through life without being hampered by schedules, commitments, or expectations of others.

  • Many entertaining acquaintances
  • A wide range of interesting experiences
  • Freedom to pursue diverse activities

Data: Type 7 Age Distribution

Grouped survey data on Type 7 ages

We surveyed the age of Type Sevens and grouped the data.

Figure 6: Enneagram Type 7 by age


What this chart shows

This chart shows that the frequency of Type Sevens has a U-shaped relationship with age. We suspect this is because both older and younger people have the fewest responsibilities and are thus in the best position to act spontaneously. More moderately aged individuals, however, have greater responsibilities, often both involving caring for others and participating in the workforce. This inevitably means a greater degree of routine and structure, which is not well suited to a Type Seven mentality.

  • 1. n=11,271
  • 2. Population: Global
  • 3. Dataset last updated:

Type 7 Arrows: Type 7s at Their Best and Their Worst

How to be a healthy Type 7 Enneagram

At unhealthy levels, Type Sevens view each situation as wonderful or ruined. When the rose-coloured glasses they normally wear no longer obscure a blighted situation, Type Sevens focus on the fly in their ointment like unhealthy Type Ones. Enthusiasts grow by learning to appreciate mixed experiences.

They are content to stay home like healthy Type Fives.

arrow image type 7

Type Seven arrow

Type Seven arrow chart

At unhealthy levels, Type Sevens view each situation as wonderful or ruined. When the rose-coloured glasses they normally wear no longer obscure a blighted situation, Type Sevens focus on the fly in their ointment like unhealthy Type Ones. Enthusiasts grow by learning to appreciate mixed experiences. They are content to stay home like healthy Type Fives.

  • Direction of Integration = Healthy Type 5
  • Direction of Disintegration = Unhealthy Type 1
face reading open book

Tip: When feeling established and secure, an Enneagram Type 7 can become better integrated with Type Fives.

What wings can a Type 7 have?

Type 7s can also exhibit traits associated with their adjacent Enneatype. For Type 7 the adjacent Enneatypes are 6 and 8. A Type 7 can either have a Six-wing (7w6) or an Eight-wing (7w8). With either of these wings, the Type 7 would then exhibit certain traits of that wing type.

Data: Type 7 Sexual Orientation

Survey data on Type 7 sexual orientation

We surveyed sexual orientation amongst Enneagram Type Sevens.

Figure 7: Enneagram Type 7 by sexual orientation

sexual orientation

What this chart shows

This chart shows what percentage of each a particular sexual preference are Type 7. For example 19% of people reporting as bisexual are Type 7. This compares with 14% of all people who are Type 7. Bisexuals are more likely to be Type 7s than asexuals are.

  • 1. n=11,271
  • 2. Population: Global
  • 3. Dataset last updated:

Data: Type 7 Qualifications

Survey data on Type 7 academic qualifications

We surveyed Type 7s on their highest level of academic qualification.

Figure 8: Highest level of qualification held by Type 7s


What this chart shows

This chart shows the percent of the population who reported holding a particular qualification as their highest qualification. By comparing data for Type 7 and all types, we can see whether Type 7s are more or less likely to hold a particular qualification. We see that Type 7s are less likely than the average population to hold as their highest qualification "Postgraduate Degree, Doctorate or equivalent qualification".

  • 1. n=11,271
  • 2. Population: Global
  • 3. Dataset last updated:
  • 4. Data is derived from users' self-report responses to the question "Your highest level of qualification".


page author ben

Chloe Yarwood, MSc

University of Chichester, Advanced Applied Psychology

Chloe Yarwood, MSc in Advanced Applied Psychology from University of Chichester. Specialist in personality type theory and developing valid personality questionnaires.