An Enneagram Type 8 tends to have high levels of self-efficacy. They have confidence in their ability to achieve their goals, affect the world around them, and meaningfully control their life’s direction
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An Enneagram Type 8 is confident, direct, and in control. They are the most comfortable with anger out of all the types. Driven by a fear of being controlled, being harmed, or seeing harm come to those they love, they fortify their defences while taking charge of situations. Type 8s are sometimes referred to as the Challengers, and can often be found in positions of authority.
From studying the Enneagram Type 8, we have found common key personality traits that this type hold. In general Type 8s:
Figure 1: Global distribution of each Enneagram type.
What this chart shows
This chart shows percentage of the population who are each Enneagram type. We see that Type 4s are the most common and Type 6s are the most rare. Enneagram Type 8 is the third rarest at 6.9% of the population.
Notes:Figure 2: Regions with highest percent of Type 8s
What this chart shows
This chart shows countries with the five highest and five lowest percent of respondents with Enneagram Type 8 personality type. This helps identify which regions have an above or below average proportion of Type Eights. We see that of those reporting their country as 'Pakistan' there is an above average proportion of Type 8s, and of those reporting their country as 'Ireland' there a below-average proportion of Type 8s.
Notes:Type 8s value personal strength and independence. They stand by their opinions, trusting gut feelings and first intuitions over convoluted thought processes. Wary of deception, they place their faith in people who can express immediate, raw emotions, including anger, rather than people who conceal or downplay messy feelings.
Challengers like Type Eights don't shy away from conflicts. Speaking forcibly doesn't mean a Type Eight has lost control; they rarely loose control. Type Eights can easily forgive and forget following a heated battle of wills. In fact, a good fight is often what cements their closest relationships. Provoking raw emotional responses is a way to speed up getting to know a person so that there will be no surprising disappointments later.
Provoking raw emotional responses is a way to speed up getting to know a person so that there will be no surprising disappointments later.
Type Eights might explain that they had to learn to be tough and to fight back against cruel people who manipulated, abused or took advantage of them early in childhood. They mourn their lost innocence, and they like to see themselves as protectors and defenders of other innocents such as abused animals and children living in poverty. Many devote their energy and resources to philanthropic causes.
One of the core fears of a Type Eight is to be controlled. At lower levels of health, Type Eights may adopt a “dog eat dog” world view and believe that they must either dominate or be dominated and so they are sometimes domineering in their relationships. Although they mean well, they have a tendency to micromanage subordinates or act as overbearing parents in their efforts to protect people for whom they feel responsible.
When we perform factor analysis on the core behaviors of each Enneagram type, we find that Type Eights exhibit positive correlations with five core traits, or dimensions as we shall call them. Dimensions are specific behavioral indicators that underpin a person's enneatype. Think of them as building blocks of a person's personality.
Consider the five Dimensions which came out as having strong correlation with Type 8 personality type, and it helps to understand what underpins a Type Eight's behavior.
An Enneagram Type 8 tends to have high levels of self-efficacy. They have confidence in their ability to achieve their goals, affect the world around them, and meaningfully control their life’s direction
An Enneagram Type 8 tends to be particularly industrious. Type Eights are very motivated and want to improve their own conditions as well as others. This pursuit of improvement and achievement is what underpins their industriousness.
An Enneagram Type 8 is highly competitive. Type Eights have a fear of being dominated or beaten, which fuels this competitiveness. Although not wanting to lose, a Type 8 will always welcome competition as opposed to not encountering any challenging scenarios.
An Enneagram Type 8 tends to have high volatility as they stand up for themselves and others. A Type Eight will not be one to stand idle as matters occur that they disagree with.
An Enneagram Type 8 tends to be very assertive. This assertiveness is part of what makes them 'Challengers'. Standing up for what they believe in, and others, Type Eight's rely on their assertiveness to command control. A lack of assertiveness would unravel everything that makes a Type Eight.
An Enneagram Type Eight is less cooperative than other Enneatypes. Rarely will a Type Eight capitulate to the demands of other people, and will fiercely defend their autonomy at any cost.
We studied the core personality traits (dimensions) of Enneagram Type Eights. The radar chart below shows the dimensions profile of a statistically average Type Eight.
Figure 3: Radar chart of core personality traits (dimensions) of typical Type Eights
What this chart shows
This chart shows how an Enneagram Type 8 scores on 14 key personality traits. The scores on each scale are derived from our internal research and present a helpful shorthand to describe the Enneagram Type 8 personality profile. For example we see that Type 8s score high on Assertive and Industrious but low on Cooperative.
Notes:Type Eights are body types. They are comfortable taking action based on gut feelings, instincts and intuitions. They believe that overthinking makes one vulnerable to self-deception.
Type Eights are body types. Body Types trust their instinct and gut feeling for decision-making.
Type 8s are roughly evenly split between male and female, with 0.3% non-binary.
Figure 4: Type 8s by gender
What this chart shows
The split between genders across the Type 8 population is quite even, with 0.3% reporting as non-binary.
Notes:Are Type 8s more inclined towards certain religions? From our research we see that Muslims are more likely to be Type 8s than Christians are.
Figure 5: Percent of Type Eights in each major religion
What this chart shows
This chart shows what percentage of eight religions are Type 8, and the global average percent of people who are Type 8. This helps identify whether a particular religion has an above-average or below-average proportion of Type 8s.
Notes:Strengths | Weaknesses |
Protective | Domineering |
Honourable | Provocative |
Confident | Dismissive of those perceived as weak |
Forthright | Control others through intimidation |
Note: Once an Enneagram Type 8 has made up their mind who is in need of their protection and who is a threat, their thinking risks becoming black and white.
Each Enneagram type has fears and desires; things to avoid and things to seek out.
Core fear: To be powerless against cruel people who want to manipulate, harm, and use them.
Core Desire: To preserve the innocence of those who depend on them and to be seen as a strong protector and provider.
We surveyed the age of Type Eights and grouped the data.
Figure 6: Enneagram Type 8 by age
What this chart shows
This chart shows that the probability of being a Type Eight declines with age, but then increases significantly at the 60+ age bracket. We suspect that people are less likely to become Type Eights as they progress through adulthood due to the workforce demands of cooperativeness. As individuals get more acclimatised to workforce dynamics, they become less standoffish and confrontational, preferring instead to cooperate. However, upon retirement, this requirement is not longer valid, allowing people to assert themselves more often.
Notes:Under stress, Type Eights withdraw into Five-like solitude. This solitude can be a nurturing cocoon like place where they adapt to a more trusting and accepting world view, or it can be a fearful place where they nurse their fears.
When Type Eights let down their guard, they expand along their arrow of integration to Type Two where they express their warmth, tenderness, and generosity.
Under stress, Type Eights withdraw into Five-like solitude. This solitude can be a nurturing cocoon like place where they adapt to a more trusting and accepting world view, or it can be a fearful place where they nurse their fears. When Type Eights let down their guard, they expand along their arrow of integration to Type Two where they express their warmth, tenderness, and generosity.
Type 8s can also exhibit traits associated with their adjacent Enneatype. For Type 8 the adjacent Enneatypes are 7 and 9. A Type 8 can either have a Seven-wing (8w7) or a Nine-wing (8w9). With either of these wings, the Type 8 would then exhibit certain traits of that wing type.
We surveyed sexual orientation amongst Enneagram Type Eights.
Figure 7: Enneagram Type 8 by sexual orientation
What this chart shows
This chart shows what percentage of each a particular sexual preference are Type 8. For example 7.8% of people reporting as homosexual are Type 8. This compares with 6.9% of all people who are Type 8. Homosexuals are more likely to be Type 8 than lesbians are.
Notes:We surveyed Type 8s on their highest level of academic qualification.
Figure 8: Highest level of qualification held by Type 8s
What this chart shows
This chart shows the percent of the population who reported holding a particular qualification as their highest qualification. By comparing data for Type 8 and all types, we can see whether Type 8s are more or less likely to hold a particular qualification. We see that Type 8s are more likely than the average population to hold as their highest qualification "Degree or equivalent qualification".
University of Chichester, Advanced Applied Psychology
Chloe Yarwood, MSc in Advanced Applied Psychology from University of Chichester. Specialist in personality type theory and developing valid personality questionnaires.